January 2020

The 12 Principles Of Animation Explained (With Videos)

  Got to thank Cento Lodigiani for the vid.   What Are The 12 Principles Of Animation and Who Created Them?   The 12 principles of animation are considered the fundamental aspects of creating movement and giving a character or object the illusion of life, by making it follow the basic laws of physics and […]

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Best Art Mannequins – Posable Figure Drawing Models

    “One must always draw, draw with the eyes, when one cannot draw with a pencil.” Balthus Being a better artist or animator begins with improving your drawing of the human figure, understanding anatomy and using good reference for your work. Now, we all know that life drawing is the best way to improve […]

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TikTeck LED Light Pad Review – Best Value A4 Light Box?

LED light boxes and drawing pads are getting better and more affordable all the time and the TikTeck A4 Ultra-Thin Light Pad is one of the most popular and least expensive on the market today. TikTeck is a small independent company that has been producing their A4 light box for a couple of years and […]

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Huion L4S LED Light Pad Review – Best A4 Light Box?

Do you remember when light boxes were big, heavy, cumbersome things that required a huge amount of desk space and a lot of money to buy? And even if you had the budget and the space, where on earth would you get hold of one? You had to go to a specialist art or photographic […]

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Huion Inspiroy Q11K V2 Review – Best Wacom Intuos Pro Alternative?

    Not that many years ago the graphics tablet market was almost totally dominated by Wacom, to the extent that if folks talked about a tablet they would just simply call it a Wacom – much like asking for a Kleenex when any tissue will do. But over the last decade things have been […]

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